While Sales and Marketing are the lifeblood of growing a business, it can be overwhelming and difficult to identify where to start making improvements. Ownership may have been doing the work historically. Some businesses have relied on referrals or word-of-mouth and need to consider how best to move to the next level.
Many smaller businesses have no sales team currently, or rely on over-stretched or misdirected sales efforts. Though best intentioned, these sales and marketing teams are bringing insufficient quality prospects through the door.
The reasons are many: inadequate brand awareness, insufficient sales funnel, increased competition, misunderstanding of market opportunities or focus on the wrong kinds of customers. These problems must eventually be addressed and overcome to sustain business growth.
Strategic Response is your solution. We have worked with sales and marketing challenges ranging from a need to identify prospects, to crafting the message, to developing marketing campaigns, to creating the sales presentation, to closing the sale.
We’re not just talkers, we’re doers. We’re creative, easy to work with.
Market Strategy
& Execution
You want to attract new customers.
- We can help you articulate your marketing strategy and then assist with developing and refining your message, followed by designing and executing an effective overall marketing campaign.
- We can design and launch a highly targeted lead generation effort to attract new customers, including list development if required.
You need more sales help, you need to make your sales efforts more efficient, or you need to start a sales team.
- We can help you evaluate the sales structure alternatives and identify which gaps to fill.
- We can act as your ad hoc sales force, developing lists, launching email campaigns and then following up with cold calls, setting appointments, making sales presentations and closing the sale.
- We can supplement your sales team’s efforts in list development, cold-calling strategies, consultative selling scripts, and follow-up.
- We can refine, update or expand your target prospect list.
- We are experts in identifying and reaching decision-makers and purchase influencers.
You are a company trying to determine market potential in a new product sector or geographical area.
- We can design and launch a market research study to evaluate awareness, interest, and likelihood of trial.
- We will help you evaluate the perception of a product or service area and your company’s competitive strengths and weaknesses.
- We will make recommendations on how to capitalize on your product or service’s unique strengths in the marketplace.
You need to better understand how your brand is perceived.
- We can design and execute surveys to measure awareness, attitudes, and likelihood to recommend (vs. your competitors).
- We can help you to understand not only whether your brand is known, but also what perceptions or misperceptions might be associated with it.
Customer Usage,
& Satisfaction
You would like to know how your current customers perceive your company and product, and how satisfied they are.
- We can design and launch a market research study to evaluate product or service satisfaction, attitudes toward your business and your product, and likelihood of repeat business.
- We can evaluate reaction to new product/line extension ideas.